Our Values


GAMPACK is a leader in design, development and manufacture of machines in the secondary packaging market, such as shrink wrapping and wrap-around packaging machines, in innovative solutions and integrated systems with the purpose of offering customers machines that are extremely functional but simple, from a managing and maintenance point of view, while maintaining unaffected the characteristics of the handled products and remaining in harmony with the environment for sustainable and integrated development.

GAMPACK has always a solution for your needs, no matter how specific is the request

  • Technology and Innovation
  • Customisation of the standard range according to specific needs
  • Prompt technical support, over the phone or on-site, with our travelling in-house service engineers or technicians operating exclusively for GAMPACK in different countries and an efficient spare parts warehouse with 24 h deliveries
  • Quality: well-established and reliable suppliers, production and assembly operations carried out exclusively in Italian factories by highly qualified in-house personnel
  • Environmental awareness

These are the values in which GAMPACK believes in order to be YOUR worldwide EXCELLENT PARTNER FOR SECONDARY PACKAGING SOLUTIONS .


GAMPACK impegna al massimo le proprie risorse nella ricerca della migliore soluzione possibile, l’esperienza ha fatto crescere l’azienda ponendola davanti a traguardi sempre nuovi, guardando al futuro, per anticipare le crescenti esigenze del mercato e dimostrandosi sempre il partner ideale per i Clienti, per rafforzarne la competitività mantenendo con ognuno un rapporto serio e corretto.